Under the patronage of H.H Shaikh Mohammed Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of The Supreme Committee for Information and Communication Technology (SCICT), the winners of the eGovernment Excellence Award 2019 were awarded.
Government Sector Winners |
Best eGovernment Website Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Central Bank of Bahrain
- Tamkeen
- Survey and Land Registration Bureau
Winner: Central Bank of Bahrain
Project: Central Bank of Bahrain's Website www.cbb.gov.bh
The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) has been completely revamped in Feb 2019 to go in line with its essential objectives, mission and vision; providing a comprehensive gateway of information & services to the financial sector. The outcome of the revamp has resulted in the provision of new interactive services designed to maximize quality and value for CBB’s core audience, especially where crucial and timely information is of utmost importance. The website also provides realtime updates using API connectors and covering CBB Daily Rates, Prices, a Licensing Directory and many other necessary services.
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Best Government-To-Government eService (G2G) Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Finance and National Economy
- Ministry of Health
Winner: Ministry of Interior
Project: Takatuf
Takatuf is a national database to register, maintain and track cases of violence against women. It connects different governmental and Non- Governmental Organizations in a centralized database hosted in the Ministry of Interior. At this phase of the project only governmental entities are included. Organizations use Takatuf as their core system for violence against women cases with all the processes required available in the system whilst others are integrated through web services, with both types of integrated processes using SOA architecture.
Re-engineering of the processes was a key activity in the project, and some have been redesigned to ensure proper data capture and to avoid any loop-holes that might cause missing information. As an example, the process of recording such cases.
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Best Government-To-Government eService (G2G) Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Ministry of Finance and National Economy
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Health
Winner: Ministry of Finance and National Economy
Project: Government Integrated Procurement Management System
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Best Practice in Community eParticipation Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
- Ministry of Interior
- Southern Governorate
Winner: Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities
Project: Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities’ Social Media
The Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities is keen on having a better understanding of its role to the public;through its daily interactions via its social media channels inviting its audience to interact with its daily posts on one or more social media to encourage audience participation, to take part in photographic competitions for both professional and amateur photographers, and by using single elements (doors) in the use of hash tags.
Team follows a set of guidelines and policies that manages the community to ensure that all interactions and enquires are answered and suggestions are passed to the right channel. In addition, each participation activity or competition has its own terms and conditions, which are mentioned on the official website.
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Best eGovernment Integrated Services for Individuals or Businesses Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- Ministry of Works Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning (Municipalities Sector)
- Ministry of Works Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning (Works Sector)
- Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications
Winner: Ministry of Works Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning (Municipalities Sector)
Project: Benayat Building Permit Portal
Benayat is a national integrated platform for building permit applications combining the processes of more than 15 entities within the Government of Bahrain. This integration is directly aligned with the Economic Vision of Bahrain 2030.
The Benayat system is also tightly integrated with Bahrain’s Spatial Data Infrastructure (BSDI) which enables facilitating and co-coordinating the exchange and sharing of spatial data among stakeholders. And for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Benayat provides interoperability with other systems using RESTful services, which are the most common and latest enterprise standards in systems communication.
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Best Application for Smart Devices
Top 3 Nominations:
- Electricity and Water Authority
- Ministry Of Youth and Sport Affairs
- Ministry of Health
Winner: Electricity and Water Authority
Project: Electricity and Water Authority's services Mobile App
The Electricity & Water Authority (EWA) app provides information about a household’s or organization’s electricty and water accounts, comparable monthly consumption, outstanding bills to be paid and allows interactive services through payment notifications and alerts, as well as interactions with customers concering their own consumption compared with the benchmark consumption. In addition, the app performs transactions by allowing ePayment transactions and updating contact information.
The target users are all domestic and commercial customers who need easy access to their electricity and water accounts with EWA to pay bills, monitor their usage and able to understand how their consumption could be reduced.
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Private Sector Winners |
Best Application for Smart Devices Award
Top 3 Nominations:
- AlRawi Media WLL
- The BENEFIT Company
- Zain Bahrain
Winner: AlRawi Media WLL
Project: AlRawi Mobile App
AlRawi’s mission is to provide accessibility to books and cultural content to improve the readership of books in the Arab world by creating the largest interactive audiobook library in Arabic.
The service aims to create an e-community via two platforms. First, a platform that enables the transformation of print material into interactive audiobooks which will involve the matching of authors, narrators, artists and studios. Second, a mobile application and website that enables people to set their reading goals, listen to books and engage with authors and other readers.
It is also interactive, as users can also communicate with each other by reading book reviews.
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Best eServices
Top 3 Nominations:
- Bahrain Airport Services
- Takaful International
- Zain Bahrain
Winner: Bahrain Airport Services
Project: iBAS
The Bahrain Airport Services (BAS) iBAS service is provided to employees to ensure access to their vital information and services without the need for manual intervention or engagement of back-end staff. This enables employees to focus on the quality of services they provide for Bahrain International Airport (BIA) customers.
The project was designed from the ground up with employees in mind. Vital data like the employee profile, leave balance and daily roster is provided to users anytime and anywhere. Managers can see their staff attendance live, operational staff can see movement of aircraft at BIA as this happens, employees can view the latest news and announcements, review their monthly pay slip and biannual performance appraisals, anytime they wish.
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Citizens Sector |
Best eConcept Award
Winner: Mohamed Ahmed Albuainain
Concept: Improving contact with the government through the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in “Tawasul” System
This concept aims at developing the National Suggestions & Complaints System ‘Tawasul’ by utilizing AI technologies to contact government entities and save time by providing a better and richer mechanism of instant responses in a record time to citizen’s complaints and suggestions by making the system more interactive when responding. The concept also aims at reducing the steps of sending enquiries through the system by classifying enquiries, complaints and suggestions according to their urgencies and priorities. This contributes in cutting government resources for significant issues and reducing the reliance of human resources. Additionally, it would positively reflect customers’ satisfaction level as a result of quickly responding to cases.
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Best eConcept Award
Winner: Ahmed Mohamed AlBuainain
Concept: E Belediye
The Smart Municipal Council eConcept aims to create a unified database of municipal councils to help speed communication between citizens and municipal representatives by transferring any request, service or complaint through a website linked via the eGovernment directly to the representative concerned and then to follow up with him/her. The aim is also to use social media to help market the achievements of municipal councils during the legislative period and to measure the extent of achievement of municipal representatives concerning citizen requests and the extent to which they achieve their plans. This will also help the Ministry of Works, Municipal Affairs and Urban Planning to develop its services and measure the extent of citizens’ satisfaction.
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Best eConcept Award
Winner: Zainab Jaafar Akwaid
Concept: Automated solution for obstructed traffic between involved parties
The eConcept automated solution for obstructed traffic between involved parties will help solve a problem faced by road users at different times and places. This problem is obstruction to traffic through incorrect and often unlawful parking.
The current procedure to solve this problem is by calling the traffic directorate that, in turn, calls the vehicle owner to move their vehicle. This costs time and effort from both the complainer and the traffic directorate, especially given that all calls are directed to the same number which is 199. Also, there is no prioritizing for other more important problems. In addition, sometimes the obstructers do not answer their phone straightaway or the phone number might have changed.
By applying this improved solution, it will be easier, faster and more convenient.
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Best eCitizen Award |
Winner: Mohammed Abduljalil Ebrahim Jassim Shehab
Highest number of transactions through various eGovernment channels during 2018.
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Winner: Mohammed Abdulraheem Hasan Bucheeri
Highest value of transactions through various eGovernment channels during 2018.
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